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Switzerland, Zurich
Switzerland, History

updated 9.26.04

Photography - Switzerland 2 - Jura Mountains

England - Denmark - Sweden - Switzerland 1 - Switzerland 2 - France - Spain

Neuenschwander HoMe

The Neuenschwander homestead. Steve and Dallas' great-grandfather Abraham N. migrated from this home to the States around 1880.

Wood Shed. This home was known as the Lower Goat Farm.


1790 was engraved on the outside door of the shed.

Main house. A more recent addition has been made to the front.

1695 is engraved on the original outside wall.

One of the original rooms.

"B·1807·N" engraved above the cellar probably stands for Benedict N. who was Abraham's grandfather.

Upstairs hallway leading to two bedroom. Steve crouches beside current owner.

Upstairs bedroom.

Like many older Swiss architecture, the barn is connected to the house.

Steve, Paul, and Dallas.

Lydell and Beth share a laugh with current owner who is holding a PG Dunn product.

The current owners were very hospitable . We enjoyed cheese, bread, and tea.

Paul talks with the current owners.


Anabaptist and family history

Paul stands next to the sign to the Little Goat Chapel (Cave of the Anabaptist)

The road to the cave was steep. Above the cave up the mountain was where the Nuens. home is located.

This is the cave where the Anabaptist worshiped in the 16th and 17th century while facing persecution

Plaque commemorating the cave.

Anabaptist Bridge: Early anabaptist worshiped in this gorge under what once was a bridge.

Plaque under the bridge.

We found "Steiner" on the map. It was interesting that this was the only family we found on our map. Locally it is known as the "Steiner Farm" however we do not know if these were our relatives that came from the Emmental region.

Stone wall outside the Steiner Farm. Can we say rock party?

The Amstutz House - distant relatives lived here.

Rear of the Amstutz House. Note the barn on the right built into the main house.



Sites along the way

We were surprised to see a tank driving down the road in Switzerland.

We took a "shortcut" and ended up on top of Moron Mountain

The view was great...

...but the drive was treacherous.

However Lydell the giant was able to save us.

Until he fell off the Moron Mountain.
~The End


Check out the bell.

Paul buys cheese for Wednesday lunch at the Burkholder home.


Friends along the way

Our wonderful hosts, Reudi & Vreni Geiser

View from their home.



While the Geisers have a long of history of ski making, they now mostly rent and sell ski equipment now.

The Swiss (a neutral country) are taxed if they do not have a Bomb shelter in their home.

Reudi Geiser and Paul admire the sites along the road.

Steve's old missionary friend from chad, Margaret Ummel

Wednesday supper with the Peter Zuercher family.

The Zuerchers made us a Bern platter with every part of the pig.

Wednesday lunch at Burkholder home.

View from the Burkholder window.

The Burkholders milk sheep for a living.


Thursday lunch at Francis Geiser's home.

We stopped in at a friend of Reudi's and bought genuine cow bells.


Mennonite Churches visited in Switzerland

Original site where Abraham N. taught school and attended church.


Old Mennonite Church in the town of Moron.

The new Mennonite church in Moron.


Anabaptist archive in the basement of Sonnenburg Mennonite Church.

Non-Luthern version of the Bible that lead to the execution of Anabaptist who owned it.

Paul N. and Peter Zuercher examine a document from 1833 where an anabaptist was finally recognized as a citizen despite not being baptized as an infant.

The Sonnenburg band gave us a special performance during on of their rehearsals.